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Squadron Standards 14 April 2024 (T-38)


  1. Reference MCMAN 11-238 Vol 2, T-38C Interim Procedures Manual, and AFI 11-2T-AT-38V3 and Sups for specific T-38 procedures.
  2. The following procedures will be followed when briefed as “standard” unless specifically briefed otherwise.
  3. Students will consider these standards directive guidance unless specifically instructed otherwise.

Mission Preparation

  1. Aircrew will be in the squadron discord area prior to brief time.
  2. As part of mission preparation, students / wingmen will coordinate with their instructor and flight lead the day prior with flight details (Mission, brief time, EP, threat, unaccomplished tasks, etc.).
  3. For Low Level, MOA2, or Range missions, students / wingmen will check AHAS/BAM bird status, schedule the route with the appropriate agency NLT 3 hrs prior to route entry, and supply CHUM’d maps for all flight members as appropriate.

Flight Briefings 

  1. Briefs begin +55 prior to takeoff. Flight leads may adjust briefing times as required. Be in briefing room NLT 1 minute prior to brief time.
  2. Students on syllabus sorties will brief applicable threat(s). If previously briefed, a backup threat brief will be coordinated with the IP.
  3. All students, including Non-Syllabus Directed (NSD) / “sandbag” students, will be prepared to brief the WX, NOTAMs, and the emergency procedure (EP) of the day.
  4. Air-to-Air TACAN for the lead aircraft will be the assigned flight VHF frequency. The flight lead and #2 will be tied via X-ray and the second element will be tied via Yankee. Example (with VHF 17 as the flight VHF):
               #1 17X
               #2 80X
               #3 80Y
               #4 17Y
  5. Step/Start/Taxi times: Step from the ops desk (end of brief) at takeoff time - 25 minutes, start at takeoff time -14 minutes, and taxi at takeoff time -7 minutes. (Deviations from this standard should be precoordinated in cases of limited availability. 


  1. Use discrete VHF frequency for intra-flight communications when not on an area working/discreet UHF frequency.
  2. Flight lead squawks for the flight unless they direct otherwise.
  3. Tactical maneuvering in the airspace will normally be at 350 KCAS. For “contract” tactical turns use mil power and G as required to hold airspeed and altitude.
  4. Once below Joker fuel, call fuel state in relation to Bingo (i.e. “Bingo + 2”). Joker and Bingo calls are not required after FENCE out.
  5. Wingmen may select TCAS/0000 once established on RTB.
  6. Aircrew may toggle off Guard for 1 minute by use of the G button without informing flight lead. If turning off Guard on the COM page aircrews will notify the flight lead.

Ground Operations

  1. Prior to start time, check ATIS, then monitor Squadron Ops on UHF. When ready to start, all wingmen will visually pass lead a “thumbs-up.” If not visual with lead, be ready on Ops UHF at start time. With “thumbs-up” from all wingmen or at start time (whichever occurs first), flight lead will pass a visual push signal or check-in the flight. If not ready to start at check-in, notify flight lead at that time (“C/S 2 needs 2 minutes”). The flight will automatically start engines when pushed to ground frequency. After engine start, flight members will automatically switch back to Squadron Ops UHF. Set intra-flight VHF ASAP after the UFCP powers up.
  2. Avionics Setup: Full EGI alignments will be taken to the max extent practical. Exceptions include (but are not limited to) time constraints or FITS caution/danger.
  3. VTRs will be turned on prior to taxi and will remain on until the aircraft returns to the chocks. Prior to take-off, title the tape with name(s), callsign, mission, date, line number, and tail number.
  4. Spares/Redballs. Prior to taxi, flight members work aircraft problems with the Top-3 on squadron ops frequency. Flight leads acknowledge redball calls from wingmen. Wingmen ensure flight leads are kept in the loop. Top 3 will coordinate with maintenance and will determine when and if a spare aircraft is necessary. #3 is the deputy flight lead.
  5. When ready to taxi, remove chocks. Your crew chief in front of your jet is the signal that you are ready to check-in and taxi. Check-in on VHF discrete then squadron ops on UHF (ex: “C/S 1 check victor” on VHF, “C/S 1 check” on UHF.) If not ready to taxi, notify flight lead at that time (“C/S 2 needs 2 minutes”). Flight lead will push the flight to ground frequency. Wingmen acknowledge clearance (on UHF) when read back correctly by the flight lead (ex: “Moody ground, C/S 1 taxi 4 with Delta, Snake 1.” GND- “C/S 1, taxi to runway 18L hold short of 18R, cleared Snake 1, squawk 5553.” C/S- “C/S 1, taxi 18L, hold short 18R, 5553.” WINGMEN- “2,3,4”). Wingmen need not acknowledge taxi-awaiting clearance instructions. If taking off MARSA with another 2-ship, lead will get the second element’s squawk prior to takeoff.
  6. During taxi out, match #1’s configuration and lateral spacing from the centerline. Flight leads will confirm the location of bullseye (on VHF) prior to takeoff (time permitting). Wingmen will respond, “2 same.” (For 4-ships, #3 replies, with #2/4 by exception). Notify lead if off more than 1 NM or 5°. When ready to cross the west runway, flight leads will (using VHF) push the flight to Cypress (UHF 12) or Tower (UHF 4) as appropriate. Flight lead will call “hot north/south #” (Cypress) or “C/S holding short 18R/36L at Hotel/Alpha with #” (Tower). All flight members must hear RSU/tower clearance or confirm with lead on VHF. During Cypress ops, remain on Cypress frequency until clear of the west runway, then auto-push to
  7. Flight leads will initiate flight control checks NLT in EOR
  8. If a solo student is in the flight, flight leads will confirm seats hot prior to taking the runway with “C/S 1, seat hot”. “2”, “3”, “4” is confirmation of seat armed, checked and pins stowed.
  9. Flight members will turn landing lights on in reverse order to signal ready for takeoff.


  1. Runway Lineup: Four-ships will line up with #3 in the slot.
  2. Flight leads will not run up engines until cleared for takeoff.
  3. All flight members will lower canopies mirroring lead. When ready for run-up, pass cranium nods from #4 to #3 to #2 to #1. Use a visual signal for engine run-up. When ready for takeoff pass cranium nods from #4 to #3 to #2 to #1.
  4. Formation Takeoffs: Flight leads will monitor wingmen on takeoff and adjust power accordingly to “max out” the element. No power calls are required from the wingmen. Visual signals for gear and flap retraction and for cancellation of afterburner are not required. A thumbs up is not required after de-configuring.
  5. Remain on tower frequency for takeoff. Once the flight is safely airborne, flight lead will push the flight to departure frequency.
  6. Aborts:
              A. As a guideline, for single-ship or element takeoffs, use 100 KCAS as the Go/No-Go speed behind aborting                    aircraft. Aircraft below 100 KCAS hold position or abort takeoff; aircraft above 100 KCAS continue their takeoff. If              aborting, maintain respective side of the runway.
              B. During a formation takeoff, do not normally sympathetically abort after brake release. Exception: the second                  element of a 2+2 formation takeoff should apply the 100 KCAS guideline if there is an abort in front of them.


  1. For rejoins out of traffic, #2 rejoins to close on the inside of the planned departure turn, #3/4 rejoin to close on the outside of the planned departure turn. Note: The Poego departure from runway 18 is considered a straight-ahead rejoin, i.e. #2 joins to the left.

Four Ship Formations

  1. Wall formation will be flown 4-6K LAB. One porpoise from flight lead signals all flight members to move into position.

Air to Air Airspace Entry

  1. At lead’s direction, wingman will acknowledge and accomplish the following FENCE/Trigger Check:

    1. Fire Control System:Master Arm – ARM; Select AA Master Mode
      Emitters:Squawk as required (0000 or XX00);
      TA-BLOCK; Select AAT
      Navigational Aids:Area set-up (normally HSD with area center-point selected);
      Altimeter – SET/Check
      Camera:Confirm VTR (HUD) on. Solo students will ensure Hot Mic selected.
      ECM:CMD – ON.
      Trigger/Pickle/CMD Check:Confirm good audio tones and rounds/missiles/expendables
      countdown, then re-cycle Master Arm & CMD (reset/reload)
  2. Bullseye check – accomplish if not previously accomplished (during taxi out). Notify lead if off more than 3 NM or 5°.
  3. G - Exercise:
    1. At flight lead’s “push it up, standby G-Ex” call, accelerate to 420 ±10 KCAS. Acknowledge lead’s “ready” calls in order, else “standby (with reason).” Example:
      “C/S, push it up, standby G-Ex”
      “C/S 1’s ready”                                                                                    “C/S 2’s ready” (or “standby airspeed”, etc)
      “C/S, G-Warm-up, hook L/R”
      “C/S 1’s ready”                                                                                     “C/S 2’s ready” (or “standby spacing”,etc)
      “C/S, G-Awareness, hook L/R”
    2. Fly G-turns at 420+/-10 KCAS and mil power for 180°. The first/G-warm-up turn is flown at 4.0- 4.5 Gs. The second/G-awareness turn is flown at 5.0-5.5 Gs .
  4. Normally, all fight and admin comm will be accomplished on the primary UHF area working frequency. If splitting airspace, use VHF for fight and admin comm.

Fence Out / Battle Damage Check

Formation Landings

  1. Flight leads will give one signal to lower gear and full flaps on formation approaches.
  2. After formation landings, get nose/tail clearance and move to the “cold” side of the runway when speed is under control. Once under control, #2 will turn the landing light off to clear #1 cold, if necessary.
  3. Lead changes upon landing, if required, will be directed by the flight lead over the (VHF) radio.

After Landing / Taxi Back

  1. Remain on tower frequency or auto-push to Cypress as appropriate. When approaching the west runway, flight lead will call “hot north/south #” (Cypress) or “C/S holding short 18R/36L at Alpha/Golf with #” (Tower) as required. All flight members must hear RSU/tower clearance or confirm with lead.
  2. Upon clearing the west runway, auto-push to UHF Ground and VHF Squadron Ops. Lead will then check the flight in on Ops and call in maintenance code. If other than code 1, state reason. Wingmen will mimic lead’s format. Example: “Eagle/Knight Ops, C/S 1.” “C/S 1 Eagle/Knight Ops, go-ahead.” “C/S 1 code 3, EED.” “Ops copies.” “C/S 2 code 1.” “Ops copies.”
  3. Solo IFF students may safe their seat/canopy jettison without coming to a complete stop.

Flight Debriefs

  1. The PIC will fill flight log.
  2. Debriefs will start as soon as practical after landing at the time set by the flight lead and will be attended by all flight members. Exception: Flight leads may excuse NSD flight members for extenuating circumstances.
  3. Students / Wingmen will:
    (1) Put bomb scores on the board for air-to-ground sorties (events horizontally across the top).
          (a) Qual Bombs in blue
          (b) Non-Qual Bombs in black
          (c) Gross Errors in red with reason (i.e. A/S, Alt, >2xQual)
          (d) Fouls will be a red “F” with reason
    (2) Download ACMI data for air-to-air sorties.
          (a) Set up to Fight’s On for first fight
          (b) Trails set to 60 seconds
          (c) Info window open
          (d) Pairing window open/setup
    (3) Ensure fighting sticks, working pens, and VTR are available and ready.
    (4) Validate shots/scores prior to the debrief. If time allows, review engagements/passes.
    (5) Cue all tapes to:
         (a) the G-Exercise for formation sorties
         (b) the first exercise (excluding the ranging exercise)/engagement fight’s-on for OBFM/DBFM sorties
         (c) the check-away for HABFM
         (d) the first pass for SA rides
    (6) Students on syllabus sorties will have their gradebook available in the debrief.