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353 total results found

469 vTS

This shelf contains the 455th vAEW - vAETC training resources.


455TTP 3-1.2 Threat Guide and Countertactics

This volume is under construction.

Threat Guide

455vAEW Public Topics, Articles, and TTPs

The volumes on this shelf may be under construction or work in progress. 


455vAEW Operations

This shelf under construction.

241st vATCS

Procedural documentation for the 241st Virtual Air Traffic Control Squadron

4450 vTES

This shelf contains the developmental and operational test material and references for western aircraft within the 4450th vTES. The 4450th virtual test and evaluation squadron exists to provide a faculty for developmental and operational testing of western ai...

48 vRQS

455 Mission Editing Guides and References

v9 SOS "Night Wings"



Public SEAD Tactics

This book is under construction.

Public Counter Air Tactics

This volume is under construction.

Public CSAR Tactics

This volume is under construction.


This book is under construction.



This book is under construction.


This book is under construction.


This book under construction.

The Art of the Briefing and Debriefing

This book under construction.

Operation Herodotus '24

Operation Herodotus '24 is a simple wargaming exercise and air campaign for the 455 vAEW built on the Sinai map in DCS world.  This book under construction.




469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals

This book covers the 455th vAEW / 469th vTS T-38 Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (IFF) courses.


469th vTS IFF Squadron Standards


Squadron Standards

Instructor Pilot Guidance

455TTP 3-1.1 Operational Brevity Words, Definitions, and Counter Air Standards

This attachment establishes common brevity codes, counterair communications standards, and definitions. Understanding the terms and standards allows minimized radio transmissions while executing tactics described in 455TTP 3-1 series manuals. This common unde...

Nellis AFB Smart Reference

This book supplements the 455 Nellis AFBI 11-250 - Local Flying Procedures by providing simplified reference material for aircrew and ATC pertaining to the expected communications in and around the Nellis AFB.



This book cover checklist items for the DCS F-4E.

Operation Arctic Guardian

Operation Arctic Guardian is an air campaign for the 455th vAEW built on the Kola map in DCS World

A-10C Initial Qualification

A-10C Mission Qualification

1.0 Introduction and Instruction to Players

Operation Herodotus '24

An overview of what to expect in this exercise in addition to basic instructions to players of this wargame. 


2.0 Theatre of Operations

Operation Herodotus '24

This product provides essential information on the Siani Theater of Operations. It is intended to provide coalition personal with a base of information for conducting effect operations in this region. 

3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

Operation Herodotus '24

This product provides the latest intelligence estimations on the Egyptian-Soviet-Pact.  

4.0 Red Force Organizational Brief

Operation Herodotus '24

5. Blue Force Organizational Brief

Operation Herodotus '24

6.0 Laydown of Forces

Operation Herodotus '24

7.0 References

Operation Herodotus '24

1.0 Course Description

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

This syllabus outlines the training required to achieve the proficiency specified in the course training standards. It prescribes the course content, instructions to conduct the training, and the approximate time necessary to successfully complete all requirem...

2.0 Formation / Advanced Handling Characteristics Module

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Intent — The Formation module is intended to teach the student typical formations and squadron standards used by fighters as well as the flight discipline required of a fighter pilot. The advanced handling sortie should prepare the student to “max perform” the...

3.0 Basic Fighter Maneuvers (OB/DB/HB)

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Intent — The intent of the BFM phase is to teach the student the basic principles of BFM while flying against a restricted bandit from short and medium range perch setups. Emphasis should be on universal principals verses T-38 specific training.

4.0 Surface Attack

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Intent — The emphasis of the surface attack phase is to gain student proficiency in range procedures, range patterns, achieving weapons delivery parameters, safe escape, and error analysis.

5.0 Low Altitude Operations

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Intent — The intent of the low altitude phase of training is to build on the SUPT student’s basic navigational skills by exposing the IFF pilot to the low altitude tactical navigation environment and airspeeds.

6.0 WSO Training

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Intent — The objective of the WSO IFF course is to graduate a WSO candidate with a strong understanding of fighter fundamentals. Graduates will be qualified to enter and have the potential to graduate from fighter combat crew training. Emphasis will be placed ...

8.0 Course Training Standards

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Purpose/Description — The standards for flight tasks are derived from information found in current IFFpublications and from the inputs of experienced T-38 instructors. These standards outline the tasks and proficiency required for completion of the 455th vAETC...

7.0 Track-E (455 Consolidated Course)

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda...

Intent — The consolidated course is intended to teach a student the fundamentals of element employment and graduate students with the skills necessary to be successful in B-Course. 

Instructor Preparation

Instructor Pilot Guidance

This chapter deals with the qualities of a good instructor, selection of teaching methods, lesson organization, effective lesson delivery, and training aid production and use. It is written primarily for new instructors or those whose instructor experience has...

Teaching Methods

Instructor Pilot Guidance

An integral part of preparing a lesson is the selection of the instructional methods you will use. The principal types of activities are telling-listening (lecture), discussing or problem-solving (discussion), showing-observing (demonstration), and doing (perf...

Lesson Organization

Instructor Pilot Guidance

Speech authorities and educators tell us that poor organization of ideas interferes more seriously with student understanding than limited knowledge of subject matter, annoying mannerisms, and poor delivery - combined. Although the symbols we use must mean sim...

Normal Procedures


Chapter 1 Air-to-Air Missiles


This chapter describes the air-to-air missiles (AAMs) used by the Russian Federation and former Soviet Union aviation assets.


New Page



0.0 SEAD Introduction

Public SEAD Tactics

What is SEAD? Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses is an offensive counter air operation involving military actions intended to neutralize, degrade, or destroy enemy surface-based air defense systems through kinetic, disruptive, or electromagnetic means. Contex...

1.0 F-16C Block 50 Sensors

Public SEAD Tactics

Harm Targeting System (HTS) A modern block 50/52 F-16C equipped with HTS is a SEAD platform with a robust capability to expediently detect, locate, suppress, and destroy air defense systems.  The Raytheon AN/ASQ-213 is a small 8” diameter by 56” long pod weig...

2.0 Direction Finding

Public SEAD Tactics

There are essentially three basic methods which allow for the passive location of stationary ground-based emitters from airborne platforms. Triangulation Triangulation is likely the most commonly understood means of passively detecting emitter locations.  Th...

3.0 General IAD Dispositions, and Behavior

Public SEAD Tactics

The term Integrated Air Defense System or IADS has been used to describe the aggregate of missile defense systems, command and control systems, and early warning and detection systems. The IADS are typically part of a broader Anti Access/ Area Denial strategy....

4.0 SEAD Execution

Public SEAD Tactics

Fundamentally there are two forms of SEAD. Preplanned or deliberate SEAD Reactive SEAD. Preplanned / Deliberate SEAD Preplanned/deliberate SEAD is probably the simplest to understand. In this mode of SEAD, aircraft take preemptive shots against known o...

99.0 References

Public SEAD Tactics

The following references where insightful in the preparation of this volume. Electronic Warfare Fundamentals, November 2000. NAWCWD TP 8347 Fourth Edition, Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook, October 2013. Air Land Sea Application M...

Campaign Context and Background

Operation Herodotus '24 1.0 Introduction and Instruction to Pla...

1.1 Preface Operation Herodotus (OH) is primarily a wargaming exercise designed to drive decision making and intellectual discovery through human adversarial challenges and dynamic events. OH aims to immerse and inform aircrews on the broader nature of integr...


Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations


Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations


Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations

Surface Materials

Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations

Egyptian Political and Economic Overview

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Military Organization

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Army Forces

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Air Forces

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Naval Forces

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Military Policy, Strategy and Doctrine

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Tactics in the Offense

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Tactics in the Defense

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP