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Course Training Standards Instructions

Purpose/Description — The standards for flight tasks are derived from information found in current IFF publications and from the inputs of experienced T-38 instructors. These standards outline the tasks and proficiency required for completion of this vAETC IFF Course. Each CTS is divided into three sections:

a. Task/Subtask — This is the behavior to be performed by the student as listed in the syllabus.

b. Condition — The limits, situations and (or) environmental conditions in which the behavior is to be
performed. Referenced publications are also listed.

c. Standard — The criteria for evaluating successful accomplishment of the desired behavior. It specifies minimum acceptable performance (e.g., Does not over-G), acceptable error tolerance (e.g., altitude ±500 feet), and (or) qualitative assessment (e.g., effectively manages energy). Performance will be documented using the numeric grading criteria as specified in section 1.0. A grade of “0” should be considered for significant deviations.

General Proficiency Standards — Syllabus proficiency in a task or subtask is a minimum numeric grade of “2”. The standard section for each CTS describes the “essentially corrects performance for that particular task.” Proficiency in a task is achieved by meeting CTS for all supporting subtasks. When proficiency is required, the student must perform the tasks/subtasks to the CTS in order to progress in training.

Employment — For all airborne basic transition tasks, any given performance parameter tolerance limits
(airspeed, altitude, etc.) assume smooth air and a stable aircraft. Momentary deviations outside given limits should not
be considered in grading, provided they do not qualify as dangerous and the student applies prompt corrective action.

Pilot Tasks — The following course training standards tables define the training tasks for pilots: