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DB-1W, DB-2W

DB-1W, DB-2W
Aircraft: 2Time: 0.9
Crew: IP/WSO, P/IPConfig: Clean
Prerequisites: AA 5, ST-9, F-4W

Mission Objectives:

  1. Introduce defensive BFM directive/descriptive commentary.
  2. Practice mission tasks listed below.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1. Mission planning/briefing/debriefing
2. Ground operations
3. Takeoff procedures
4. Departure
5. Armament switchology/FENCE check
6. G-awareness
8. Range estimation
9. Basic/tactical formation monitoring
10.* Defensive BFM tasks
      a. Bandit Awareness
      b.WEZ Awareness
      c. Aircraft Parameter Awareness
      d. System Operation
      e. Descriptive Comm
            (1) Monitor and provide commentary to the IP as required/briefed on:
                  (a) Bandit nose position, clock position, range, and elevation
                  (b) Altitude, airspeed/mach, attitude, and G
           (2) Recognize opportunity or need for defensive maneuvers in canned engagements (e.g., break/hard turn,                         extension, jink, reversal) and direct appropriate defensive maneuver
11. Visual search
12. Fuel management
13. Battle Damage Check
14.* RTB procedures
15.* Pattern/landing procedures

Special Instructions:

  1. None