Mission Tasks: 1. HMCS alignment (Note 1) *2. Instrument departure *3. Airwork *a. High / low speed dive recoveries *b. Instrument unusual attitude recoveries *c. HARTS *(1) Nose high recovery (HARTS 2) *(2) Horn demonstration maneuver (HARTS 3) *d. Advanced handling maneuvers (1) Vertical recovery demonstration (2) AOA limiter demonstration (3) 30 degree climb limiter demonstration (4) G-command demonstration (5) Slow flight demonstration *e. In-flight demonstrations *(1) G-awareness exercise / high G profile (Note 2) *(2) HARTS 3
*4. Instrument procedures a. Holding b. Penetration *c. Non-precision approach *d. Precision approach *5. VFR patterns and landings *a. Visual straight-in *b. Overhead / closed patterns *c. Touch and go landing *d. SFO e. Full stop landing