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Aircraft: 1 Time: 1.0
Crew: P/IP
Prerequisites: SL-1, S-4

Mission Objectives:

  1. Introduce the low altitude Category I arena (500 to 1,000 feet AGL).
  2. Introduce low altitude advanced handling characteristics, navigation, maneuvering, ridge crossings and route abort procedures.
  3. Introduce first run attack (FRA).
  4. Introduce LATN.
  5. Practice mission tasks listed below.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1. Takeoff
2. Departure
3. *Low altitude advanced handling characteristics
a. Hard turns
b. Vertical awareness training
4. *Low altitude navigation
5. *Low altitude maneuvering
6. *LATN
7. *Ridge crossings
8. *Route abort procedures
9. *First Run Attack (FRA)
10. Instrument approach and landing

Special Instructions:

  1. Emphasis is on low altitude advanced handling characteristics.
  2. MFD route display will not be used. Emphasis will be on dead reckoning, pilotage and map reading.

Sub Elements: