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Pilot Tasks

Pilot Tasks — The following course training standards tables define the training tasks for pilots:

1. Mission Preparation
Task  Conditions Standards
a. Mission Planning/Briefing/Debriefing a. TBD
b. NOTAMs, weather data, syllabus mission description, Inflight Guide, and local procedures.
a. Checks all factors applicable to the mission to include NOTAMs, weather, configuration, alternate airfields, takeoff performance data, syllabus and CTS. Researches threat and emergency procedure of the day and prepares lineup card prior to brief time. Computes range mission data (if applicable).
b. Correctly loads and (or) verifies the mission planning data on the DTC as applicable.
c. Able to correctly answer questions concerning mission tasks during the briefing.
d. Participates in planning and briefing of missions. Understands contingencies and plans to contend with them.
e. Participates in debriefings and, if applicable, provides examples that would improve mission performance.
b. Emergency Procedures
(1) Boldface
(2) Noncritical Action
a. TBD
b. Single simulated malfunction or actual aircraft emergency.
a. Correctly identifies and analyzes aircraft malfunctions and emergency situations in a timely manner.
b. Accurately states or performs all Boldface steps in sequence from memory without error.
c. Verbally states or performs corrective actions IAW T.O. procedures and applicable directives to a satisfactory conclusion.
d. Maintains aircraft control.
2. Departure Administration
Task  Conditions Standards
a. Ground Operations a. T.O. 1T-38C-1, T.O. 1T-38-1CL-
1, T.O. 1T-38C-34-1-1, MCM 11-238
MANUAL, AFI 11-218, and AFI 11-
b. AFTO Form 781, Inflight Guide,
and local procedures.
a. Accomplishes ground operations of the aircraft correctly, safely and in a timely manner.
b. Takeoff (Single-Ship) a. T.O. 1T-38C-1, MCM 11-238
MANUAL, and AFI 11-2T/AT-38.
a. Maintains the required groundtrack and smooth, positive control.
b. Lifts off within -0 to +10 knots of computed airspeed and maintains desired pitch attitude ±2 degrees.
c. Gear and flaps are fully retracted by 240 knots.
c. Formation Takeoff (Wing) a. T.O. 1T-38C-1, MCM 11-238
MANUAL, and AFI 11-2T/AT-38.
a. Maintains wingtip spacing to 25 feet and fore/aft position of gear doors in line to fingertip position.
b. Lifts off simultaneously with leader to maintain fore/aft spacing. Calls for power as briefed/required.
c. Configures on leader’s signals and makes smooth, positive control inputs.
d. Departure a. IMC or VMC conditions.
b. MCM 11-238 VOL 2, T-38C
2T/AT-38, Inflight Guide, clearance,
FLIP airspace restrictions, and
appropriate NAVAIDs.
a. The flight leader (or single-ship) executes departure as published/directed. Maintains heading or course ±5 degrees/3NM, altitude ±200 feet, and
airspeed ±5 percent. Momentary deviations are allowed in VMC when clearing. The wingman
maintains briefed formation position and maintains orientation to planned departure using NAVAIDs.
b. Uses NAVAIDs, instruments, and landmarks to maintain orientation within assigned area.