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Aircraft: 4 Time: 1.1
Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP
Prerequisites: S-1

Mission Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in basic range procedures and patterns.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in basicall weapons delivery events/parameters and safe escape maneuver.parameters.
  3. DemonstrateIntroduce proficiencyfirst inrun armamentattack switchology/FENCE check.(FRA)
  4. Practice mission tasks listed below.
  5. Introduce 45-degree HADB and strafe.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1. Takeoff
2. Departure
3. LATN/LATF to FRA (Class A range desired)
4. Armament switchology/FENCE check
4.5. Basic rangeRange procedures and patterns
5.6. Basic weaponsWeapons delivery events/parameters
7. First 10-degreeattack/simulated LAHDordinance delivery
      b. 20-degree LALD
      d. 30-degree DB
      e. *45-degree HADB
      f. *Strafe
6.8. Safe escape maneuver
7.9. Error analysis

10. Dynamic targeting/target of opportunity talk-on

11. Fighter to fighter brief
8.10. Landing

Special Instructions:

  1. IfThis 20-degreesortie LALDis intended to give students an opportunity to put it all together and 30-degreeuse DBskills arelearned attemptedin onlow altitude operations and surface attack phases. Students should be able to navigate to the range and find the target. Moving map/MFD route display should not be used unless difficulty of route requires its use (i.e. lack of airspace with turn points that only onerequire sortie,basic proficiencyLATN skills. Sortie is not requiredmeant to teach advanced LATN skills.). LATN/FRA should be fairly short to allow fuel/time for graduation.
  2. weapons
  3. Strafe and 45-degree HADB are familiarizationdelivery events andstill areneeded, notas requireddetermined forby graduation.student If not accomplished, annotate the student's gradesheet, unaccomplished task logproficiency and training report. Do not accomplish events solo on S-3 if events are not accomplished on S-2.

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