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5.6 Range Comm.

5.6    Range Comm.

With the exception of safety of flight calls (say position or KIO), full call signs will be used when communicating on the range (for example, “VIPER 2’S BASE”). The ultrahigh frequency (UHF) radio will be used exclusively to keep the Range Control Officer (RCO) in the loop with high SA. Very high frequency (VHF) will be used by exception.

5.6.1    Pattern Calls.

Standard, required pattern calls are: “C/S BASE,” “C/S UP” (for tactical pop patterns), and “C/S IN DRY.” Flight members will use call sign or formation position as briefed. The calls should be made at the moment you crack your wings to start the turn. All members of the flight must listen carefully prior to transmitting. If another fighter has called in dry, do not transmit until the RCO has given a “continue dry” (unless the transmission is for safety of flight).

5.6.2    Base Call Considerations.

The base call will be prefaced with “extended,” or “late.” These are used to increase the SA of following aircraft for station-keeping purposes. If forced to turn base somewhere other than the briefed ground track, add the appropriate description. The preface “late” is used in the same way as in the landing pattern. If turning base at the correct position but unable to transmit on time due to higher priority comm, delay the base call and preface it with “late.”

5.6.3    "C/S OFF DRY."

“C/S OFF DRY” will be called post safe escape maneuver (SEM) if you rolled in with intent to drop but ended up not pickling. Add the reason for not dropping ordnance to the off-dry call (for example, “EAGLE 2’S OFF DRY, PARAMETERS”).