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1.0 - An Intro to Wargaming - Dune Tempest (QA)

What is Dune Tempest?

Dune Tempest (DT) is a wargaming system centered on the credible application of combat power and decision making. This wargaming system focuses on the use of land, air, and sea power to achieve strategic objectives. Notably, this system as a primarily operational level wargame combines conventional tabletop turn based hex gaming elements, tech tree ‘investments’, and tactical execution via conventional gaming such as DCS World, Sea Power, and Arma. 

Bottom Line: DT is an operational level wargame with tactical and strategic elements that combine player driven wargaming and tabletop campaigns with player driven mission execution in our favorite games.

Who can play Dune Tempest?

Dune Tempest (DT) Is meant to be played by a wide variety of people. Our goal is something interesting for everyone. At the root of DT is a player team vs player team wargaming experience where missions may involve components of PVP and PVE.  Individuals and communities are welcome to join in on the DT fun. However, given that DT is meant to be played as a long form experience some conditions or limitations are expected and addressed in later sections. See [insert link] for current signup information.

Generally, there are three core entities for the wargaming component of DT.

White Cell - A neutral party who adjudicates and directs the game by Applying the ruleset. Think of this as a "Gamemaster."
Blue Team - The western forces.
Red Team - The adversary forces. 

How does the Dune Tempest as a wargame work?

As a wargame, DT is designed to tell a narrative which is determined by the decisions of the players.  An advanced ruleset has been developed to highlight the nature of employing various units and capabilities in the post WW2 to modern era. DT is centered around the application of combine arms, joint fires, and air and naval power. 

As is discussed later in the ruleset, the game is played in the following sequence. 

  1. Pre-Game - White Cell sets the scenario, historical context, and victory conditions. 
  2. Planning & Preparation - Each team spends Command Power (CP) on unique capabilities or 'stratagems.' (Think of this like a tech tree.) Each team also deploys units which have not been explicitly dictated by the scenario. This is called a "laydown."
  3. Conflict - This is the 'play' of the game. In each turn, teams will utilize component forces (Land / Air / Sea) to conduct operations.  The full nature of this is defined in the ruleset. 
  4. Epilogue - Once a team has reached victory conditions the game is concluded. At this time lessons learned are captured for future improvements.  

Why Dune Tempest?

Dune Tempest started as an idea to create interesting dynamic campaigns in DCS world for community enjoyment. A fundamental utility of DT is the ability to abstract the full unit / object count of a theatre war to the wargame. The fact that this is a player driven wargame means no campaign will be the same. This in our opinion, makes it far more fun for the players, pilots, and mission makers. From this, the realization that wargaming could be an excellent way to build institutional knowledge on the use and employment of assets and capabilities was a natural next step.