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3.0 - Ruleset

The Players

The wargame players form the theatre military command headquarters.  In normal play there are four key positions (although not all positions are required). 

Blue Team

blue team headquarters_bkg.png

Red Team
red team headquarters_bkg.png
CJTFC / High Command

The Combined Joint Task Force Commander/HC is responsible for directing and syncing the actions of their respective component commands.  They have primary Command Authority and are responsible for final decision making (although they are free to delegate decision making to component commands). Additionally, the CJTFC is responsible for spending Command Power (CP) and War Material (WM) throughout play.


The Joint Force Land Component Commander/LCC is responsible for planning, employment, and battle tracking of their assigned units. These are units which are traditionally associated with land / surface domains. Planning responsibilities include designating lines of supply (MSRs/ASRs), conducting reconnaissance, and initiating core actions (i.e. Movements, Combat, Resupply, Fires, etc.). 


The Joint Force Maritine Component Commander/MCC is responsible for planning, employment, and battle tracking of their assigned units. These are units which are traditionally associated with naval forces such as Surface Action Groups (SAGs) or Naval Task Forces (TFs). Under some scenarios ship(s) may transport land/surface forces (example: a US Marine Expeditionary Unit). Once a land/surface force moves ashore they are transferred to the JFLCC. Likewise, some naval forces may have an airpower component. Actions such as AEW, ASW and Fleet Defense are core to the Maritine Force and fall under the jurisdiction of the JFMCC.  However, some actions such as AI, CAS, and Strike, fall under the jurisdiction of the JFACC. More on this later. 


The Joint Force Air Component Commander/ACC is responsible for the planning, employment, and battle tracking of their assigned units. These are units which are traditionally associated with air power such as Fighter/Attack/Bomber/Airlift/ISR/Rescue units. Additionally, for the purpose of DT the JFACC may be responsible for special surface air defense units (Some ground units have inherent air defense capabilities).  Generally, in blue play, these special air defense units will fall under the control of the JFLCC whereas in red play they will fall under the control of the ACC. Planning responsibilities include establishing air defense postures, assigning unit missions (primary and alternate) and conducting core activities.  

Playing a Turn

Phase 1

The turn begins with the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) Phase.  During this phase, Theater ISR, and unit ISR may be used to conduct reconnaissance before beginning operations.  The effect of this ISR depends on the ruleset being used. 

Option 1 - Fog of war: With the FOW option the opposing team unit locations are hidden until they have been revealed. (They are revealed in multiple ways such as ISR and ESM.) FOW is a more realistic playset in which chance encounters and dynamic maneuver and emphasized. 

Option 2 - Targeting: With this option the opposing team unit locations are visible although the exact nature of the units is not known and must be revealed through targeting. (The use of ISR and ESM allow for targeting of units within an Area of Observation (AOO) [Example 2x2 HEX) and allow them to be engaged.  Untargeted units cannot be engaged.)

The option should be selected before beginning the war game. 

The IPB phase is used to provide the necessary information for conducting planning and issuing orders to units.   

Phase 2

Phase two is the planning and order issuing phase.  During this time Players should evaluate courses of action (COAs) and complete the necessary planning and order assignments.  (For example, issuing movement orders, assigning zones of responsibility (ZORs), etc. ) This will be discussed in greater detail in later sections. 

Phase 3

Phase 3 is the execution phase. During this time planned actions are carried out and adjudicated in accordance with (IAW) this ruleset by the white cell.  During the execution phase the team with the Initiative will have the advantage in the application of combat power. More on this later. 


Each turn is loosely based on a 72hr battle Rythm. As such in the game each turn is approximately 3 and 1/2 days long or 84 hours long. Given this, movement and actions are approximately scaled to what can be accomplished during this time. 

Map / Theater Operations Area 

The Sinai Theater of Operations has been created as a traditional hex map. Each hex represents 10km center to center and is suitable for an operational level wargame. 

[Insert Map]

Hex Domains

There are three main domains of warfare in DT. (Air Land and Sea) Every hex on the map has an air domain. Hex's which are fully land are controlled by the land domain. Hex's which are fully sea controlled by the sea domain and hex's which are both land and sea may have shared domains (littoral hex's). 

Land Units

Unit Types 

Unit Actions