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[BHM-4] Maintain Airspace Surveillance

Objective: To develop pilot proficiency in executing takeoffs to a hover at a 10-foot main wheel height with the HH-60G Pave Hawk, ensuring safe and effective transition from ground operations to airborne status.

Duration: Total Training Time: 1.5 hours

  • Ground Briefing: 0.5 hours
  • Flight: 1.0 hour


  • Completion of basic pilot training.
  • Familiarity with the HH-60G aircraft systems and flight operations.
  • Prior training in basic takeoff procedures.

Training Tasks:

Ground Training:

  1. Briefing (30 minutes)
    • Overview of the takeoff to a hover procedure and objectives.
    • Discuss the importance of achieving and maintaining a stable hover during operations.
    • Review aircraft performance characteristics related to hovering, including weight, center of gravity, and environmental considerations (wind, temperature).
    • Discuss visual references and situational awareness during the transition to a hover.
    • Review emergency procedures for engine failure or other malfunctions during takeoff.

Flight Training:

  1. Flight Objectives (60 minutes)
    • Conduct pre-flight checks, emphasizing systems related to takeoff and hovering.
    • Execute the following takeoff to a hover maneuvers:
      • Takeoff Procedure:
        • Begin with a smooth and controlled collective increase while maintaining directional control.
        • Monitor instruments and aircraft performance throughout the climb to 10 feet.
      • Achieving Hover:
        • Attain a stable hover at 10 feet main wheel height, maintaining situational awareness and control inputs.
        • Practice adjustments to maintain hover stability and control in varying environmental conditions (wind, transitions).
      • Simulated Emergency Procedures:
        • Perform simulated engine failure or malfunction during the hover, executing appropriate recovery techniques to ensure safety.
        • Practice transitioning from hover to a safe landing if needed.
    • Conduct a series of takeoff to hover maneuvers to reinforce proficiency.
    • Practice recovering from a hover to the ground with a controlled descent.

Post-Flight Training:

  1. Debriefing (30 minutes)
    • Review performance during takeoff and hover maneuvers against established objectives.
    • Discuss strengths and areas for improvement observed during the flight.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of communication and coordination with the crew.
    • Provide feedback on adherence to safety protocols and hovering techniques.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Ability to execute takeoff to a hover safely and efficiently.
  • Proficiency in maintaining a stable hover at 10 feet main wheel height.
  • Effective communication and situational awareness during the operation.
  • Proper execution of emergency procedures when required.