[BHM-6] Perform Normal, Maximum, Marginal
To develop pilot proficiency in executing normal, maximum performance, and marginal power takeoff procedures in the HH-60G Pave Hawk, ensuring safe and effective operations in various flight conditions.
Total Training Time: 3.0 hours
- Ground Briefing: 0.5 hours
- Flight: 2.5 hours
- Completion of basic pilot training.
- Familiarity with the HH-60G systems and performance characteristics.
- Prior experience with hovering and takeoff maneuvers.
Training Tasks:
Ground Training:
- Briefing (30 minutes)
- Overview of takeoff procedures, including normal, maximum performance, and marginal power takeoffs.
- Discuss the aircraft's performance parameters and factors influencing takeoff, such as weight, altitude, temperature, and wind.
- Review pre-flight checks for each type of takeoff, emphasizing power settings and system health.
- Review emergency procedures for power loss during takeoff, including recovery techniques.
Flight Training:
Flight Objectives (150 minutes)
Conduct pre-flight checks before executing the following maneuvers:4.9 Normal Takeoff (From The Ground/Hover):
From the Ground:
- Conduct detailed pre-takeoff checks, paying attention to system readiness and power settings.
- Smoothly increase collective to initiate a controlled ascent from the ground.
- Maintain stability while climbing to a predetermined altitude, focusing on coordinated control inputs.
- Transition smoothly into forward flight once at the desired altitude.
From Hover:
- Begin from a stable hover at a safe altitude, ensuring proper system functionality.
- Gradually increase collective to achieve lift-off, monitoring power indicators.
- Maintain control during the transition to climb, applying appropriate cyclic inputs.
- Successfully transition into forward flight after reaching safe flight parameters.
4.10 Maximum Performance Takeoff:
- Conduct a maximum performance takeoff:
- Review procedures for assessing aircraft performance limits under maximum load conditions.
- Perform a thorough systems check focusing on power output limits and rotor RPM.
- Execute the takeoff with deliberate control inputs, emphasizing rapid ascent while managing torque and overall aircraft stability.
- Maintain awareness of environmental factors that could affect performance, such as obstacles and wind shifts.
- Transition to a safe climb rate and forward flight once clear of the takeoff area.
4.11 Marginal Power Takeoff:
- Execute a marginal power takeoff:
- Prepare for takeoff by assessing conditions that may impact power availability, such as weight and density altitude.
- Adjust takeoff techniques to accommodate power limitations, monitoring engine performance continuously.
- Initiate takeoff while maintaining control and adjusting for any real-time performance declines.
- Practice recovery procedures, including the option to transition back to a controlled hover if takeoff conditions dictate.
Post-Flight Training:
- Debriefing (30 minutes)
- Review performance during all takeoff maneuvers against established objectives.
- Discuss any difficulties encountered and strategies to mitigate similar challenges in the future.
- Evaluate communication and coordination between crew members during takeoff operations.
- Provide constructive feedback, emphasizing strengths and areas for improvement.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Proficiency in executing normal takeoffs from both ground and hover positions.
- Ability to perform maximum performance and marginal power takeoffs safely and effectively.
- Effective communication and coordination with crew during all takeoff operations.
- Adherence to safety protocols, including performance monitoring and situational awareness.