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FM-1 Basic Formation


  • Identify the key principles of basic T-38C formation.
  • From a list of visual signals, select the proper description for its use in the T-38C.
  • Identify the correct leader and wingman responsibilities during ground operations.
  • Identify the correct procedures to accomplish a T-38C formation takeoff.
  • Identify the correct procedures to accomplish a T-38C interval takeoff.
  • Identify the correct procedures to accomplish a rejoin.
  • Identify the correct procedures to fly basic formation maneuvers.
  • Identify the key procedures to accomplish a battle damage check.
  • Given a specific flight condition, select the correct lost wingman procedure.
  • Identify the correct procedures to accomplish a T-38C formation landing.


  • Review FM–1 in the Formation Student Guide, B/F-V5A-K-FM-SG.
  • Review Interim T-38C Procedures Manual, Chapter 6 through Section 6B, Basic Formation.
  • Review squadron standards.


Formation Principles

  • Mutual support
    • During combat operations, coordinated offensive maneuvering, mutual support, and survivability require formation flight.
    • The two-ship element is the fundamental building block for larger formations.
  • Flight discipline
    • Flight discipline is a combination of knowledge, attitude, and self-control that guarantees that each member of a formation executes their responsibilities without direct supervision.
    • It starts in the briefing, transitions to ground operations, continues into the air, and extends throughout the debrief.
  • Flight lead/wingman relationship
    • Flight lead is ultimately responsible for the safe and effective conduct of the mission.
      • Plans, briefs, and debriefs the flight.
      • This position gives both the authority and the responsibility to ensure mission accomplishment.
    • Wingmen are considered vital team members of the flight. Their tasks include mission planning, threat study, and providing information in the brief.
    • Wingmen must prioritize the following responsibilities:
      1. Maintain proper formation position while deconflicting from the flight lead, other flight members, and the ground.
      2. Accomplish cockpit tasks—radio changes, ops checks, NAVAIDs, etc.
      3. Execute briefed visual lookout responsibilities.
      4. Accomplish other briefed tasks while striving to maintain high situational awareness.
      5. Finally, whether the flight is taxiing out to the runway or coming up initial, strive to look sharp!

Visual Signals

  • Objective 2 — From a list of visual signals, select the proper description for its use in the T-38C.
  • Visual signals are addressed in AFI 11-205.
  • The head nod is the signal to acknowledge preparatory signals.
  • Know the proper visual signals for:
    • Start engines
    • Runup/pitch out
    • Brake release
    • A/B in/out
    • Speed brake
    • Gear
    • Flaps
    • Route/loosen the formation
    • Rejoin/tighten the formation
    • Crossunder/echelon to the right or left
    • Echelon turn
    • Frequency change
    • Fuel check
    • Battle damage check
    • Jettison stores

Ground Operations

  • Objective 3 — Identify the correct leader and wingman responsibilities during ground operations.
  • Step time — Be ready at step time and comply with squadron step procedures.
  • Check-in/start time — Acknowledge flight lead visual signals with big thumbs-up and/or head nod.
  • Taxi:
    • Spacing — 150 ft staggered / 300 ft in trail.
    • Watch your power as well as others.
    • Number two sets the taxi interval.


  • Objective 6 — Identify the correct procedures to accomplish a rejoin.
  • Straight-ahead rejoin — #2 joins to the left side while #3 and #4 join to the right side.
  • Turning rejoin — #2 joins to the inside of the turn and #3 and #4 join to the outside.

Review Exercise 01

  1. Flight discipline is a combination of _____, _____, and _____ that guarantees each member of a formation executes their responsibilities without direct supervision.
    • a. Knowledge, aggressiveness, self-interest
    • b. Aggressiveness, self-interest, pride
    • c. Knowledge, attitude, self-control
    • d. None of the above are correct
  2. Wingmen will respond to all directive calls unless briefed otherwise.
  3. A _____ is the signal to acknowledge preparatory visual signals.
    • a. Thumbs up
    • b. Head nod
    • c. Both a and b are correct
  4. Formation takeoffs will NOT be accomplished when:
    • a. Standing water, ice, or snow is on the runway.
    • b. Runway width is less than 150 ft.
    • c. Crosswind exceeds 15 knots.
    • d. Both a and c are correct.
    • e. All the above are correct.