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Placing ground units in a smart way


This page is aimed on providing mission editors with ideas on where to place ground units to give pilots a more realistic approach on finding ground targets. 

Creating a realistic battleground


Use of terrain

Most ground units work best on roads. Therefore it is more likely to find ground units of all sorts on- or close to roads.

Mobile SAM units which may use a "Shoot and Scoot" tactic will likely not drive through dense forests and climb steep mountains for best radar coverage, but rather drive on roads and find good places to shoot from close to those roads. Of course these SAM units don't need the best road but can work with dirt or gravel roads too. Below you can find an example:


This is also true for most other mobile units, even though they might be able to move through forests, hills and other difficult terrain features, because logistics are likely dependant on good roads. A common tactic for pilots is to look along roads while looking for targets. Therefore, a mission editor could place units along revements along roads.