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Initial Report: "Time: 1202 UTC ( local 10:00) Aircraft: F-16 Callsign: WOOL12/“FANTUM” Location: N36 36 866 W115 26.552 elev 3497ft CFIT - No chute spotted, WOOL11 is on scene. No contact with WOOL12. Contact Fatness 64 on 288.8" 


-@Jester [Channel #pedro-toc]

Mission Generated: Immediately.

"MSN BRIEF Fly route
Drop PJ's for assessment
recover pilot/remains



-@Gumby [pedro-toc, Thread MSN#24199001)

Execution and Recovery: 

JY11 (@Gumby) depart Nellis Approx 30mins later.

JY11 Experiences Flight Control Issues. RTB. Spare out.


(Approx. 1345 igL) JY11 IP NIXON. Attempted Contact 3x to "Fatness" via UHF 288.800. No Response.


(Approx. 1350 igL) JY11 Arrive on scene. Search conducted only found crater. No Survivor Located. Simultaneously, all JY 11 radios went inop.


(1419 igL) JY11 RTB/Arrived @Nellis Jolly Pad. Taxi/Shutdown without further complication.



NOTES: Debriefed w/455vAEW importance of briefing time igL (in game Local) to further prepare Jolly crews with correct weather/lighting situation during mission planning/execution.