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Departure Procedures

Aircraft that are holding short of an active runway or at an EOR pad must contact tower prior to further movement unless instructed otherwise by Nellis Ground. 

Do not cross the hold short line of any runway unless clearance has been given by Nellis Ground or Tower.

Calling for departure:

When in an EOR or holding short of a runway, flights are to contact tower with position on the airfield and their intent to depart. Tower will issue instructions or ask aircraft to remain in position depending on traffic needs at that moment.

In most cases except traffic remaining local, tower will advise aircraft to contact departure in the takeoff clearance. This means that aircraft are authorized and expected to tune departure control frequency prior to starting the takeoff roll. This allows a minor reduction in pilot workload of the flight during the critical phase.

Example conversation:
MAKO1: "Nellis Tower, MAKO1 short of 21R at echo, ready for departure"
Tower: "MAKO1, Nellis Tower, wind 250 at 6, runway 21R cleared for takeoff, contact departure"
MAKO1: "Cleared for takeoff runway 21R, switching to departure"

Intersection Departures

Intersection departures are authorized for runways 21R and 3L/R. Runway 21R at Taxiway Delta (8,900ft remaining) and Runway 3L/R at Taxiway Bravo (3L 6,450ft remaining, 3R 6,300ft remaining).

Rotorcraft are authorized to depart from any taxiway, runway or helipad assuming ATC clearance.

Rolling Takeoffs

Rolling takeoff solicitation by tower is used when deemed necessary to expedite the flow of traffic during times of congestion. The aircrew is the final authority to accept a rolling takeoff, and can be denied for any reason.

Example conversation:
Tower: "MAKO1, will you accept rolling?"
MAKO1: "MAKO1 will (will not) accept rolling."
Tower: "MAKO1 roger"