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Taxi Procedures

All aircrews are to obtain ATIS information prior to taxi. Any aircraft movement in the movement area (better thought of as the "jurisdiction" of Nellis Ground and/or Tower) must be done with a clearance.

Taxi call:

When calling for taxi, include the following information:

  • Call Sign
  • Number of aircraft
  • ATIS letter obtained
  • Status of clearance
  • Parking Location

Example Conversation:
MAKO1: "Nellis Ground, Mako 1 flight of 2 with Charlie, IFR, Foxtrot Row XX ready for taxi"
Ground: "MAKO1, Nellis Ground, roger. Taxi Runway 21R (said two one right) via foxtrot echo"
MAKO1: "Runway 21R via foxtrot echo, MAKO1"

Taxi Procedures:

  • Taxi spacing to be in accordance with specific aircraft operating procedures. Typically, fixed wing aircraft will use 150ft staggered spacing during day, and 300ft centerline spacing at night. Helicopters will use a minimum 100ft spacing.
  • All ramp areas and the hot cargo pad are considered uncontrolled.
  • Landing rotorcraft have priority over taxiing aircraft. Keep engine exhaust away from hovering and air taxiing rotorcraft.
  • All aircraft must give way to emergency response vehicles. 
  • If radio failure occurs during taxi, turn on taxi lights and taxi to parking.
  • Heavy aircraft with more than two engines must either shut down or use idle power on their outboard engines unless operational necessity dictates otherwise.
    • ATC will avoid holding heavy aircraft in between runways at the approach end and on any taxiway where jet wash is directed at the landing zone.
  • B-52 and B-747 aircraft are only to use runway 3L/21R.
  • Taxiway Charlie is restricted to A-10 and smaller aircraft.

NOTE: Air missions must advise ATC in the following cases...
- Number of aircraft in flight differs from flight plan (i.e. grounded jet)
- Planned takeoff spacing is more than 20 seconds between aircraft
- A FLEX departure, or A10 VFR departure is requested
- Runway 3 is required due to ordnance configuration when Runway 21 is active
- Two or more flights join-up/depart together. Like individual flights, all instructions in this case are made to the lead callsign only, and the instruction applies to all flight elements.
- Unrestricted climbs are requested. Provide the highest altitude climbing to on departure.
- A non-standard arming area or opposite direction departure is required
- A deviation from standard DPs is required