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99.0 References

The following references where insightful in the preparation of this volume.

  • Electronic Warfare Fundamentals, November 2000.
  • NAWCWD TP 8347 Fourth Edition, Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook, October 2013.
  • Air Land Sea Application Multi-Service TTP- Air Control Communication, February 2020.
  • JP-3-01 Countering Air and Missile Threats, April 2017.
  • MCWP 3-22.2 Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD), May 2001.
  • AFP 14-210 USAF Intelligence Targeting Guide, February 1998.
  • Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest Volume 31 Number 3, Geo-Location using Direction Finding Angles, M. Grabble and B. Hamschin, 254-262, 2013.
  • Air Force F-16 Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses Training: A Model for Operational Failure, J. Norman, 1999.
  • Setting the Context: Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses and Joint War Fighting in an Uncertain World, J. Brungess, June 1994.
  • Air and Space Power Journal Summer 2016, Flexible Smart and Lethal: Adapting US SEAD Doctrine to Changing Threats, E. Bucki, 2016.
  • Air University Air Command and Staff College Wright Flyer Paper Number 64, Bolts from Orion: Destroying Mobile Surface-to-Air Missile Systems with Lethal Autonomous Aircraft, D. Brown, April 2019.
  • Wright State University, SEAD and the UCAV: A Preliminary Cognitive Systems Analysis, J. Flach et al, February 1998.
  • RS21141, Congressional Research Service, Military Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD): Assessing Future Needs, January 2005. 
  • Gulf War Air Power Survey Volumes 1-5, 1993