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AA-11 "Archer"

Date of Production 19611984
Country of Origin Russia (Former Soviet Union)
Proliferation: Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Eritrea,Ethiopia, Libya,Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Malaysia, Myanmar, North Korea,Korea Syria,(Democratic People's Republic of Korea), Peru, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Sudan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, YemenNam



The Vympel K-13R-73 (NATO reporting name:name AA-211 "Atoll")Archer) is a short-range, infrared homingvariety air-to-air missile developedthat byevolved with the Sovietaid Union.of Itusing isVympel similarNPO in appearance and function to the American AIM-9 Sidewinder from which it was reverse-engineered. Although it since has been replaced by more modern missiles in frontline service, it saw widespread service in many nations. The Sidewinder was quickly reverse engineered as the K-13 (also called R-3 or Object 300) and entered limited service only two years later in 1960. This was followed by the improved K-13A (R-3S, Object 310), whichthat entered service in 1962.1984. The R-3S73 was the first versionevolved to enterupdate widespreadthe production,sooner R-60 (AA-8 'Aphid') weapon for short-range use with the aid of using Soviet fighter aircraft. Work commenced in spite1973, and the primary missiles entered service in 1984. The R-73 is an infrared homing (heat-seeking) missile with a sensitive, cryogenic cooled seeker with a substantial "off-boresight" capability: the seeker can "see" objectives as much as 40° off the missile's centerline. It may be centered with the aid of using a veryhelmet-mounted longsight (HMS) permitting pilots to designate objectives with the aid of using searching at them. The minimum engagement range is ready 300 meters, with the most aerodynamic variety of almost 30 km (19 mi) at altitude. The weapon is utilized by the MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-27/33, Su-34, and Su-35, and may be carried with the aid of using more recent variations of the MiG-21, MiG-23, Sukhoi Su-24, and Su-25 aircraft. India is seeking to use the missile on their HAL Tejas. It also can be carried with the aid of using Russian assault helicopters, along with the Mil Mi-24, Mil Mi-28, and Kamov Ka-50/52. In 1994, the R-73 has been upgraded in production to the R-73M standard, which entered CIS carrier in 1997. The R-73M has more variety and a much wider seeker settlingangle time(to 60° off-boresight), in addition to advanced IRCCM (Infrared Counter-Counter-Measures). Further tendencies encompass the R-74 (izdeliye 740) and its export variant RVV-MD. Russia presently gets new advanced air-to-air missiles on the orderidea of 22the seconds,R-73. An advanced model of the R-74, the K-74M (izdeliye 750) features fully digital and re-programmable systems, and is meant to be used at the MiG-35, MiG-29K/M/M2, Su-27SM, Su-30MK, and Su-35S. A similar upgrade, referred to as opposedthe toK-74M2 11(izdeliye seconds760), is meant for the originalfifth-generation version.Sukhoi TheSu-57 R-3Saircraft. wasThis seenmissile byhas decreased the Westmove phase to healthy in 1961inner weapon bays and givencould suit the NATOoverall reportingperformance name AA-2A 'Atoll'. Minimum engagement range forof the R-3SAIM-9X is about one kilometer. All K-13 variants are physically similar to Sidewinder, sharingand the 5-inchASRAAM. An easy sheet design, the K-MD (127izdeliye mm)300), diameter.will Subsequentsupersede examinationthe ofK-74M2 AA-2in missilesthe captured by NATO forces showed that parts from an AIM-9 could be interfaced with parts from an AA-2 and either combination would still work.future

 General Characteristics
Name K-13; NATO:R-73; AA-211 AtollArcher
Type Infrared Homing Air-to-Air Missile
Manufacturer Vympel NPO (current), Tbilisi Aircraft Manufacturing (current)
Length 2.83093 m
127165 mm
Wingspan 631510 mm
Weight 90105 kg
Warhead Weight 7.4 kg
Engine solid-fuel rocket engine
Operational Range 1.0R-73E: to30 3.5kilometers km(19 mi) R-73M1: 30 kilometers (19 mi) R-74: 40 kilometers (25 mi)
Maximum Speed Mach 2.5
Guidance System All-aspect infrared homing
Launch Platform(s) MiG-21, MiG-23,23-98, MiG-19,25, MiG-27, MiG-29, MiG-31, MiG-35 Sukhoi Su-17/20/2224, Su-25, Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34, Su-35, Sukhoi Su-57 (future) Mil Mi-24, Mil Mi-28, Kamov Ka-50, Kamov Ka-52 Yak-141, Yak-130 HAL Tejas IRIAF F-14 J-10
Threat Characteristics
Rear Aspect Range 23 Nautical Miles
Front Aspect Range 35 Nautical Miles
Countermeasure Vulnerability Very High
Threat Counter Tactics Discussion

The AA-2 Atoll is most dangerous when launched undetected. Counter tactics should emphasis visual lookout responsibilities and sanitization. 11

Threat Reactions

maximum performance turn in excess of 3Gs while deploying flares has a high probability of defeating this threat.

Countermeasure Employment
Exploitation Datasets