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Aircraft: 2x A-10C Time: 1.4
Crew: IP, P Config: 4W
Prerequisites: TBD

Mission Objectives:

  1. Introduce offensive BFM exercises.
  2. Introduce offensive BFM from medium range setups.
  3. Practice mission tasks listed below.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1.* Formation takeoff
2. Departure
3. *Tactical formation
4. *Fence check

5. *G-awareness
6. *Heat-to-guns
7. *Offensive BFM
      a. 9K Perch

      b. 6K Perch

      c. 3K Perch 

8. Fuel management
9. Battle damage check
10.* RTB procedures
11. Formation approach / formation landing

Special Instructions:

  1. 9M employment IAW 455TTP 3-1 Shot and Kill