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X.Y General Briefing



  1. Left/right seat, rolling/static, normal/max effort
  2. Review takeoff data
    1. Gross weight
    2. Predicted horsepower
    3. Runway available vs. CFL and refusal distance
    4. V speeds (adjust for gust or x-winds)
    5. Acceleration check (VREF less than VTO)
    6. FUSS
  3. Emergency actions during takeoff
    1. Aborted takeoff
    2. Emergency return/fuel dumping
      1. Type approach
      2. Landing data
      3. Service ceilings (3 and 2 engine)
      4.  Engine shutdown coordination
    3. NVG failure 
  4. Departure procedures and climb data
    1. Clearance and departure procedures (SID/DP/diverse departure)
      1. Altitude, headings, courses and NAVAIDs
      2. Flight director modes
      3. Radar altimeter
      4. Noise abatement procedures
      5. Transition altitude
    2. Hazardous terrain/obstacles
      1. Required climb gradient, ESA, MSA
      2. 3 Engine climb gradient
      3. Planned speeds: VOBS, 4 engine climb, 3 engine climb
    3. TCAS



  1. WX conditions
  3. Approach to be used
    1. NAVAID frequency
    2. FAF altitude
    3. Approach course
    4. Decision height or MDA/MAP
    5. Missed approach procedures
    6. Level of automation
    7. ESA, MSA, transition level
    8. Required weather
    9. Backup approach
    10. Threat considerations
    11. Type of tactical approach
  4. Runway required vs. runway available
  5. Flap setting, type landing
  6. Speeds - approach, threshold, touchdown
  7. Planned touchdown point/go-around point
  8. Special considerations
    1. Obstacles
    2. Surrounding terrain
    3. Self contained approach requirements
    4. CAT II considerations
    5. NVG considerations/failure
  9. Defensive systems
  10. ERO/combat offloads
  11. Maximum effort operations
    1. Runway conditions and markings
    2. Fuel limitations
    3. PM duties