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A)   A TACADMIN consists of all processes and procedures that occur in the TAC C2 area of responsibility (AOR). It relates to:

(1)  Interflight and intraflight procedures.

(2)  Airborne mission preparation that directly supports executing the tactical mission objective.

(3)  Examples include: weapon arming, sensor management, personnel recovery, package marshalling, and tactical communication checks.

B)   TACADMIN does not refer to processes and procedures that coordinate air assets outside the managed AIR. Examples are:

(1)  Navigating a civil airspace under civilian air traffic control.

(2)  Operating aircraft in the terminal area under military aircraft or local area air traffic control.

(3)  Controlling air traffic to facilitate arrival to or departure from an operating base.

Exceptions may be made. An example of an exception to B) is an aircraft launched under scramble orders (e.g., an alert status) but operating in civil airspace.