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Aircraft: 43 Time: 1.12
Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP
Prerequisites: S-1HB-1C

Mission Objectives:

  1. DemonstrateIntroduce proficiencyair incombat basicmaneuvering range proceduresprinciples and patterns.gameplans. 
  2. Introduce air to air missile defense.
  3. Introduce ACM perch setups.
  4. Introduce forward quarter ACM setups.
  5. Practice applying engaged and supporting fighter contracts.
  6. Demonstrate proficiency inwith basicair-to-air weaponsmissile delivery events/parameters and safe escape maneuver.
  7. Demonstrate proficiency in armament switchology/FENCE check.
  8. Practice mission tasks listed below.
  9. Introduce 45-degree HADB and strafe.employment.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1. Interval Takeoff
2. Departure

3. Armament switchology/FENCE check

4. BasicG-awareness rangeturns

procedures and patterns

5. Basic*Defensive weaponsperch deliverysetups events/parameters
(≥ 2)

      a. 10-degreecounter LAHD
plane and b.phase 20-degree LALD
      d. 30-degree DB
      e. *45-degree HADB
      f. *Strafemaneuvering
6. Safe*Offensive escapeforward maneuverquarter setups (≥ 3)

7. ErrorFuel analysismanagement
8. LandingBattle damage check
9. RTB procedures
10. Tactical Overhead pattern

Special Instructions:

  1. IfOn 20-degreethe LALDdefensive perch sets, emphasize correct BFM decisions using aggressive split-plane maneuvering while maintaining deconfliction responsibility if required.
  2. The offensive perch setups should be from short range setups (25NM max). The DLO of this sortie is effective element A/A maneuvering – focus on deconfliction constructs/responsibilities and 30-degreevisual DBmaneuvering, arenot attemptedBVR radar work.
  3.  Flight leads should be group owners with wingmen focusing on onlyformation onefirst, sortie,then proficiencyfulfilling istheir notauto-share requiredcontract. Emphasize spike awareness and deconfliction while executing Launch and Decide tactics.
  4. IPs should allow for graduation.
  5. mature
  6. Strafeengagements andthat 45-degreerequire HADBACM are familiarization events and are not required for graduation. If not accomplished, annotateat the student'smerge gradesheet,(i.e. unaccomplisheddeclare task- logPk andmiss trainingwhen report.desired). DoKills notIAW accomplish events solo on S-3 if events are not accomplished on S-2.TR.

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