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Aircraft: 3 (T-38 or approved fighter aircraft alternative) Time: 1.2
Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP else IP, P
Prerequisites: HB-1C

Mission Objectives:

  1. Introduce air combat maneuvering principles and gameplans. 
  2. Introduce air to air missile defense.
  3. Introduce ACM perch setups.
  4. Introduce forward quarter ACM setups.
  5. Practice applying engaged and supporting fighter contracts.
  6. Demonstrate proficiency with air-to-air missile employment.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1. Interval Takeoff
2. Departure

3. Armament switchology/FENCE check

4. G-awareness turns

5. *Defensive perch setups (≥ 2)

      a. counter plane and phase maneuvering
6. *Offensive forward quarter setups (≥ 3)

7. Fuel management
8. Battle damage check
9. RTB procedures
10. Tactical Overhead pattern

Special Instructions:

  1. On the defensive perch sets, emphasize correct BFM decisions using aggressive split-plane maneuvering while maintaining deconfliction responsibility if required.
  2. The offensive perch setups should be from short range setups (25NM max). The DLO of this sortie is effective element A/A maneuvering – focus on deconfliction constructs/responsibilities and visual maneuvering, not BVR radar work.
  3.  Flight leads should be group owners with wingmen focusing on formation first, then fulfilling their auto-share contract. Emphasize spike awareness and deconfliction while executing Launch and Decide tactics.
  4. IPs should allow for mature engagements that require ACM at the merge (i.e. declare - Pk miss when desired). Kills IAW TR.

Sub Elements:

Gradesheet: 455_900_IFF_ACM.pdf