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Basic Fighter Maneuvers Instructions

Intent — The intent of the BFM phase is to teach the student the basic principles of BFM while flying against a restricted bandit from short and medium range perch setups. Emphasis should be on universal principals vice T-38 specific training.

Instrument Training — See paragraph 5-2 for instrument approach requirements.

Formation Training

a. To ensure students maintain proficiency in basic formation tasks, IPs should make every effort to use available mission time to practice basic (close, route) and tactical formations with associated tasks such as turns, rejoins, station keeping, etc., during departure and recovery.

b. Maximum exposure to four-ship formation is encouraged. Four-ships will be scheduled for brief, takeoff and departure to the maximum extent possible.

Instructor Continuity — Students will fly with the same IP on the first two missions of each BFM module
(OB-1/OB-2, DB-1/DB-2, and HB-1/HB-2 (A Track); not required for C Track on OB-1/OB-2).

Mission SPINS

a. Bandit Role — The bandit is the training aid for all engagements and exercises. The bandit will be
restricted to idle-minimum afterburner, 5 Gs maximum, and 200 KCAS minimum until student proficiency
warrants increasing the complexity of the problem. Instructors will restrict bandit maneuvering to reflect the
briefed objectives. The flight lead briefs order and flow of the scripted bandit presentations on OB-1, OB-2,
DB-1, DB-2, and HB-1. Denying turning room, creating closure problems, and jinks are all appropriate once the
student shows progression.

b. Combining Tasks — Required BFM tasks may be practiced separately or in combination according to a
prebriefed logical sequence as student proficiency permits.

c. Simulated Weapons Load / Employment Parameters

(1) Aim-9 WEZ: Four AIM-9 missiles with maximum effective range of 9,000 feet, minimum effective
range 2,000 feet, tail aspect only, 45 degrees of aspect inside and outside of the turn. For HABFM: 90
degrees of aspect inside and outside of the turn, 4,000 ft min range >45 degree aspect angle.

(2) Gun WEZ of 1,000-2,500 feet.

(3) 30 flares and 60 chaff bundles.

(4) Kill Criteria:

(a) Missile: Two (2) valid shots

(b) Gun: 15 frames IAW 455 TTP 3-1