3.0 Basic Fighter Maneuvers (OB/DB/HB)
Intent — The intent of the BFM phase is to teach the student the basic principles of BFM while flying against a restricted bandit from short and medium range perch setups. Emphasis should be on universal principals verses T-38 specific training.
Basic Fighter Maneuvers Instructions
Intent — The intent of the BFM phase is to teach the student the basic principles of BFM while fl...
OB-1 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: ST 8, SB-1...
OB-2 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: OB-1 ...
OB-3 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: OB-2 ...
OB-4 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP or IP/X, P/X Prerequisite...
DB-1 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: SB-2, OB-4...
DB-2 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: DB-1 ...
DB-3 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: DB-2 ...
DB-4 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP or IP/X, P/X Prerequisite...
HB-1 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: ST-10, AA ...
HB-2 / HB-3
HB-2 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: P/IP, P/IP Prerequisites: HB-1 ...
HB-4 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP or IP/X, P/X Prerequisite...
HB-5 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP or IP/X, P/X Prerequisite...
Learning BFM
The Perch Setup | From Formation To BFM | Extended Trail Exercise | DCS The Extended Trail Exerc...