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243 total results found

Basic Fighter Maneuvers Instructions

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 3.0 Basic Fighter Maneuvers (OB/DB/HB)

Intent — The intent of the BFM phase is to teach the student the basic principles of BFM while flying against a restricted bandit from short and medium range perch setups. Emphasis should be on universal principals vice T-38 specific training. Instrument Trai...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 4.0 Surface Attack

S-1 Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP Prerequisites: ST-11, SS-1, DB-4 Mission Objectives: Introduce basic range procedures and patterns. Introduce basic weapons delivery events/parameters, recoveries and error analy...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 4.0 Surface Attack

S-2 Aircraft: 4 Time: 1.1 Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP Prerequisites: S-1 Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in basic range procedures and patterns. Demonstrate proficiency in basic weapons delivery events/parame...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 4.0 Surface Attack

S-3 Aircraft: 4 or 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP or P/IP, P/IP or IP/X, P/X Prerequisites: S-2; If flown solo, S-2 CTS must be met prior to solo. Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in basic range proced...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 4.0 Surface Attack

S-2 Aircraft: 2 or 4 Time: 0.9 Crew: P/IP, P/IP or IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP Prerequisites: SL-1, SS-2, S-3 (Track C), SA-6 (Track B and C), S-2 (Track B) Mission Objectives: Introduce level and popup range procedures and pat...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 4.0 Surface Attack

S-5 Aircraft: 4 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP or P/IP, P/IP or IP/X, P/X Prerequisites: SA 8(E), S-4 Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in level and popup range procedures and patterns. Demonstrate profi...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 4.0 Surface Attack

S-6 Aircraft: 1 or 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: P/IP, IP/X Prerequisites: L-2, S-5 Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in all weapons delivery events/parameters. Demonstrate proficiency in CRM tasks. Introduce first run att...

Surface Attack Instructions

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 5.0 Low Altitude Operations

Intent — The intent of the low altitude phase of training is to build on the SUPT student’s basic navigational skills by exposing the IFF pilot to the low altitude tactical navigation environment and airspeeds. Instrument Training — See paragraph 5-2 for inst...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 5.0 Low Altitude Operations

L-1 Aircraft: 1 Time: 1.0 Crew: P/IP Prerequisites: SL-1, S-4 Mission Objectives: Introduce the low altitude Category I arena (500 to 1,000 feet AGL). Introduce low altitude advanced handling characteristics, navigation, ...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 5.0 Low Altitude Operations

L-2 Aircraft: 1 Time: 1.0 Crew: P/IP Prerequisites: L-1 Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in low altitude navigation and maneuvering. Demonstrate proficiency in route abort procedures. Practice first run attack...

WSO Training Instruction

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 6.0 WSO Training

Intent — The objective of the WSO IFF course is to graduate a WSO candidate with a strong understanding of fighter fundamentals. Graduates will be qualified to enter and have the potential to graduate from fighter combat crew training. Emphasis will be placed ...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 6.0 WSO Training

F-4W Aircraft: 2 or 4 Time: 1.1 Crew: IP/WSO or X, P/IP, IP/WSO or X, P/IP Config: Clean Prerequisites: ST-12, LS 5, AP 2(E), AH 2, ST 4, ST 7, FM 4(E), SI-1W Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in emergency procedu...

Course Training Standards Instructions

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 8.0 Course Training Standards

Purpose/Description — The standards for flight tasks are derived from information found in current IFF publications and from the inputs of experienced T-38 instructors. These standards outline the tasks and proficiency required for completion of this vAETC IFF...

Pilot Tasks

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 8.0 Course Training Standards

Pilot Tasks — The following course training standards tables define the training tasks for pilots: 1. Mission Preparation Task  Conditions Standards a. Mission Planning/Briefing/Debriefing a. TBDb. NOTAMs, weather data, syllabus mission des...

WSO Tasks

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 8.0 Course Training Standards

WSO Tasks — The following course training standards tables define the training tasks for student WSOs: 24. Mission Preparation Task Conditions Standards a. Mission Planning/Briefing/Debriefing a. TBDb. NOTAMs, weather data, syllabusmission ...

Course Administration

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 1.0 Course Description

Syllabus Interpretation — This syllabus is directive in nature and will be followed as written. If no clear syllabus guidance exists, resolve the situation using the appropriate lines of communication. If the logical course of action appears to conflict with o...

Course Conduct and Grading

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 1.0 Course Description

Academic Training Standards — The minimum passing score is 85%. Correct all examinations to 100%. Students must pass the examination following each major phase in academics before progression to any scheduled graded event. Flying Training Standards a. Course...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 6.0 WSO Training

OB-1W Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/WSO, P/IP Config: Clean Prerequisites: ST-8, AA 4, DB-3W Mission Objectives: Introduce offensive BFM directive/descriptive commentary. Practice mission tasks listed below. Sp...

DB-1W, DB-2W

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 6.0 WSO Training

DB-1W, DB-2W Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/WSO, P/IP Config: Clean Prerequisites: AA 5, ST-9, F-4W Mission Objectives: Introduce defensive BFM directive/descriptive commentary. Practice mission tasks listed below. ...


469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 6.0 WSO Training

DB-3W Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9 Crew: IP/WSO, P/IP Config: Clean Prerequisites: DB-2W Mission Objectives: Demonstrate proficiency in mission planning/briefing/debriefing, departure administration, fuel management, recovery admi...