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WSO Training Instruction

Intent — The objective of the WSO IFF course is to graduate a WSO candidate with a strong understanding of fighter fundamentals. Graduates will be qualified to enter and have the potential to graduate from fighter combat crew training. Emphasis will be placed on physical adaptation, crew coordination/flight integrity, flight discipline, situational awareness, and decision making.

Flying Sorties

a. Since all sorties are nondedicated and heavily dependent on the composition of the pilot IFF class, it may not be possible to follow course flow for all sorties listed in the syllabus. The syllabus intends to expose the WSO to every type of mission flown in IFF. In order to complete the course, the student WSO must fly nine sorties and should be exposed to formation, OBFM, DBFM, HBFM, and SA missions. The number of sorties flown in each module may be modified with squadron commander approval. 19 AF/A3 approval is required to graduate a student with fewer than the nine sorties or without exposure to all required modules.

b. Instructors should reference the CTS for guidance regarding WSO mission tasks.

Airsickness — If a student was airsick during the flight and was unable to complete any mission task the overall mission grade will be “0” noneffective-student nonprogression (NE-SNP). The IP will include a brief narrative of the incident on the mission gradesheet. IPs must inform the student’s flight commander of any airsickness incident regardless of sortie effectiveness. Following any airsickness incident the student must see the flight surgeon prior to the next sortie. The flight commander will confer with the flight surgeon to determine if entry into an airsickness program is warranted.

Student Progression — WSO candidates must meet minimum performance standards (CTS). Because no
sorties are dedicated for WSO training, it is the flight commander’s responsibility to manage the student’s training to
present adequate opportunities to learn the required tasks.

Required Tasks — The following tasks will normally be practiced and graded on all WSO missions. 

  • Mission Planning/Briefing/Debriefing
  • Wingman Consideration/Flight Integrity Emergency Procedures
  • Flight Discipline
  • Aircraft/Ordnance Preflight 
  • Visual Search
  • Ground Operations
  • Fuel Management
  • System Management
  • Physiological Adaptation
  • Clearing/Taxi Awareness 
  • Systems Check/FENCE Check
  • Takeoff Procedures 
  • Range Estimation
  • Departure 
  • RTB Procedures
  • Situational Awareness Pattern and Landing Procedures
  • Decision Making 
  • Formation Monitoring
  • Communications
  • Task Management

WSO Flying — Although WSO flying (hands-on stick and throttles) is not required, it is highly encouraged,
IAW AFI 11-2T/AT-38, Volume 3, Supplement 1.

Special Instructions.

a. The WST is used to familiarize WSO students with the operation of the avionics controls/displays and to introduce normal and abnormal/emergency procedures.

b. Students will bring gradebooks to each graded training device. Operational Flight Trainer (WST) missions require gradesheets. Use grading criteria, proficiency requirements and CTS in paragraph 2-17 and Chapter 7.

c. Instructors may adjust specific WST mission profiles and tasks around individual student needs and equipment constraints but will ensure the students receive all training listed in the mission objectives.

Mission Accomplishment

a. Accomplish all WST missions in the simulator if available. If the WST is not available, the aircraft cockpit and/or a detailed briefing/discussion of procedures with an IP may be used as an alternative.

b. The WST training will be conducted with the student WSO in the cockpit. The instructor can use any prerecorded flight segments/demonstrations or fly the simulator from the console as deemed appropriate to accomplish the required training. Students may be allowed to fly the simulator during certain portions of the mission and perform selected flight tasks based on their ability, provided it does not detract from, or interfere with, the primary mission objectives and training tasks.

c. Mission tasks that are Bold and in italics indicate demonstrate proficiency. Italics indicate items required
for that sortie (if not accomplished, enter on unaccomplished task log). Normal print is a suggested event for
that sortie (items not accomplished, need not be entered on the unaccomplished task log). An asterisk (*)
indicates the first time a task is introduced.