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128 total results found

0.0 SEAD Introduction

Public SEAD Tactics

What is SEAD? Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses is an offensive counter air operation involving military actions intended to neutralize, degrade, or destroy enemy surface-based air defense systems through kinetic, disruptive, or electromagnetic means. Contex...

1.0 F-16C Block 50 Sensors

Public SEAD Tactics

Harm Targeting System (HTS) A modern block 50/52 F-16C equipped with HTS is a SEAD platform with a robust capability to expediently detect, locate, suppress, and destroy air defense systems.  The Raytheon AN/ASQ-213 is a small 8” diameter by 56” long pod weig...

2.0 Direction Finding

Public SEAD Tactics

There are essentially three basic methods which allow for the passive location of stationary ground-based emitters from airborne platforms. Triangulation Triangulation is likely the most commonly understood means of passively detecting emitter locations.  Th...

3.0 General IAD Dispositions, and Behavior

Public SEAD Tactics

The term Integrated Air Defense System or IADS has been used to describe the aggregate of missile defense systems, command and control systems, and early warning and detection systems. The IADS are typically part of a broader Anti Access/ Area Denial strategy....

4.0 SEAD Execution

Public SEAD Tactics

Fundamentally there are two forms of SEAD. Preplanned or deliberate SEAD Reactive SEAD. Preplanned / Deliberate SEAD Preplanned/deliberate SEAD is probably the simplest to understand. In this mode of SEAD, aircraft take preemptive shots against known o...

99.0 References

Public SEAD Tactics

The following references where insightful in the preparation of this volume. Electronic Warfare Fundamentals, November 2000. NAWCWD TP 8347 Fourth Edition, Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering Handbook, October 2013. Air Land Sea Application M...

Campaign Context and Background

Operation Herodotus '24 1.0 Introduction and Instruction to Pla...

1.1 Preface Operation Herodotus (OH) is primarily a wargaming exercise designed to drive decision making and intellectual discovery through human adversarial challenges and dynamic events. OH aims to immerse and inform aircrews on the broader nature of integr...


Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations


Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations


Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations

Surface Materials

Operation Herodotus '24 2.0 Theatre of Operations

Egyptian Political and Economic Overview

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Military Organization

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Army Forces

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Air Forces

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Naval Forces

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Military Policy, Strategy and Doctrine

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Tactics in the Offense

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

ESP Tactics in the Defense

Operation Herodotus '24 3.0 Military Forces of the ESP

Course Description

469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Funda... 1.0 Course Description

1.1 Course Title - Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals 1.2 Course Objective - To graduate pilots and weapon systems officers (WSO) with a basic understanding of fighter fundamentals. The emphasis is on developing wingman responsibilities, situational awarene...