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FELON / SU-57 The FELON is equipped with the N-036-1-01 XXXXXXX look-down shoot-down AESA ra...
[BHM-1] Ground operations
BHM-1 Ground Operations Total Time: 2.0 Ground Briefing: 0.5 Flight 1.5 ...
Learning BFM
The Perch Setup | From Formation To BFM | Extended Trail Exercise | DCS The Extended Trail Exerc...
Basic Formation Course
Basic Formation - Part 1 Basic Formation - Part 2 Basic Formation - Part 3 Basic Formation - G...
BSA Gouge
Intro to Basic Surface Attack | BSA Part 1 | DCS Ground Attack Without A HUD | BSA Part 2 | DCS ...
IFF T-38C 1st 3K' Offensive BFM from Rear Cockpit on 14 Aug IFF T-38C 2nd 3K' Offensive BFM from...
DCS Fmt Tac Admin
MSL AGL QFE QNH | Altitudes For Aviators | Aviation Explained The Basics: Radio Comms 101 IAS E...
[BHM-3] Perform Ground Taxi
BHM-3 Aircraft: Time: 1.0 Prerequisites: Mission Objectives: D...
ST-1 Familiarization and Orientation
Training Folder - How it works etc. Briefing / Debriefing - see
ST-2 Local Area Procedures
1.5 Hrs IFF Syllabus introduction IFF Overview and Hyperlinks Course Description Modules ...
Course Conduct and Grading
Academic Training Standards — The minimum passing score is 85%. Correct all examinations to 100%....
Course Administration
Syllabus Interpretation — This syllabus is directive in nature and will be followed as written. I...
F-1 Aircraft: 2 Time: 1.1 Crew: P/IP, P/IP Prerequisites: ST-1 , ST-2...
F-3 Aircraft: 4 Time: 1.1 Crew: IP/X, P/IP, P/IP, P/IP Prerequisites:...
F-2 Aircraft: 2 Time: 1.1 Crew: P/IP, P/IP Prerequisites: F-1, FM-2 ...
This chapter builds on the formation fundamentals learned in undergraduate flying training— refer...
FM-1 Basic Formation
Objectives Identify the key principles of basic T-38C formation. From a list of visual signal...
FM-2 Tactical Formation
Tactical Formation Objectives1. Identify the key factors that determine the type of tactical ...
ST-3 Aircraft Familiarization / Ground Operations
1. FCP / RCP differences4. Interior inspection (RCP)
AH-2 Energy Maneuverability
Objectives1. Explain total energy.2. Explain specific energy.3. Explain specific excess ...