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Taxi Procedures
10 July, 2024 All aircrews are to obtain ATIS information prior to taxi. Any aircraft movement i...
Clearance Procedures
9 July, 2024 Unless otherwise coordinated with, or instructed by ATC, all departing aircraft wit...
4.1 Introduction.
4.1 Introduction. Success in visual A/A combat depends on the ability of the fighter pilot to...
6.8 Low Altitude.
6.8 Low Altitude. There are two main reasons why one would be forced into low-altitude tactic...
6.7 Medium-Altitude Tactics.
6.7 Medium-Altitude Tactics. There are several reasons why one would choose medium altitude t...
6.6 Theater Air Control System.
6.6 Theater Air Control System. The TACS provides the commander the capability to plan and co...
6.5 Mutual Support
6.5 Mutual Support. The reason fighters fly in formation is to provide one another with mutua...
6.4 Departure
6.4 Departure. Flight plans to and from the range will be standard. A low level that can lend...
6.3 Ground Ops
6.3 Ground Ops. The majority of the changes to your avionics and UFCP can and should be made ...
6.2 Mission Planning.
6.2 Mission Planning. Detailed mission planning is the key to success in the SAT phase. In ad...
6.1 Overview.
6.1 Overview. Although several definitions of SAT exist throughout the CAF, for the purposes ...
5.16 Low Angle Strafe (LAS).
5.16 Low Angle Strafe (LAS). LAS is defined as any strafe pass planned with less than 15° of ...
5.15 High-Angle Strafe (HAS).
5.15 High-Angle Strafe (HAS). HAS is defined as any strafe pass planned with 15° of dive or g...
5.14 Error Analysis.
5.14 Error Analysis. Once established on downwind, with SA on the aircraft in front of you, a...
5.13 Weapons Employment
5.13 Weapons Employment: 5.13.1 Roll In. You should use the target as your reference for ...
5.12 Level Pattern Procedures:
5.12 Level Pattern Procedures: 5.12.1 Level Pattern. The level pattern is similar in shap...
5.11 Tactical Pattern Procedures
5.11 Tactical Pattern Procedures: 5.11.1 Purpose. Like the conventional pattern, the tact...
5.10 Conventional Pattern Procedures
5.10 Conventional Pattern Procedures: 5.10.1 Purpose. The conventional pattern allows ord...
5.9 Abnormal Procedures:
5.9 Abnormal Procedures: 5.9.1 Fallout/Late Join Up. Have a game plan for how you will ex...
5.8 Switches Safe/FENCE OUT
5.8 Switches Safe/FENCE OUT. Flight lead will call for the FENCE OUT as a directive call for...