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5.10 Conventional Pattern Procedures

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.10    Conventional Pattern Procedures: 5.10.1    Purpose. The conventional pattern allows orderly, repetitive weapons delivery practice for up to four aircraft on the range. It is designed to allow you to get from one pass to the next as efficiently as pos...

5.11 Tactical Pattern Procedures

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.11    Tactical Pattern Procedures: 5.11.1    Purpose. Like the conventional pattern, the tactical pattern allows “canned” delivery pattern training. In the tactical pattern you will perform popup attacks. Popup attacks are flown when weather or threats for...

5.12 Level Pattern Procedures:

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.12    Level Pattern Procedures: 5.12.1    Level Pattern. The level pattern is similar in shape to the conventional pattern with the exception of a wider base distance; the flight lead will brief the specific ground track plan. Basic priorities and tasks re...

5.13 Weapons Employment

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.13    Weapons Employment: 5.13.1    Roll In. You should use the target as your reference for when to roll in; attempt to lead turn so as to roll out on final at the planned attack heading. Roll-in pacing will vary based on altitude and airspeed at the roll...

5.14 Error Analysis.

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.14    Error Analysis. Once established on downwind, with SA on the aircraft in front of you, assess your last pass relative to the plan. Both pilot-induced errors and wind can cause deviations. Many pilot-induced errors can be fixed by returning to and rein...

5.15 High-Angle Strafe (HAS).

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.15    High-Angle Strafe (HAS). HAS is defined as any strafe pass planned with 15° of dive or greater. Currently, each fighter MDS executes HAS slightly differently. For example, F-15Es typically use 20°; F-16s use 25°; and A-10s use 30° or greater. The mini...

5.16 Low Angle Strafe (LAS).

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 5 - BASIC SURFACE ATTACK (BSA)

5.16    Low Angle Strafe (LAS). LAS is defined as any strafe pass planned with less than 15° of dive and is normally planned for 10°. The minimum recovery altitude is 75 feet AGL. The minimum cease fire slant range is 2,000 feet. 5.16.1    Pattern. LAS can ...

6.1 Overview.

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.1    Overview. Although several definitions of SAT exist throughout the CAF, for the purposes of this chapter, SAT will be the bridge between BSA sorties and close air support (CAS). This mirrors the A-10 community’s use of the acronym and purpose of the so...

6.2 Mission Planning.

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.2    Mission Planning. Detailed mission planning is the key to success in the SAT phase. In addition to the standard BSA mission planning tasks, you and your IP will discuss a kill container type scenario. You will need to provide copies of target area maps...

6.3 Ground Ops

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.3    Ground Ops. The majority of the changes to your avionics and UFCP can and should be made on the ground. The EGI steer-point plan should match your flight lead (the card) in order to avoid confusion in the air when discussing different targets. Most sce...

6.4 Departure

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.4    Departure. Flight plans to and from the range will be standard. A low level that can lend itself to low-altitude ingress may also be used. Expect to fly only a few legs of the low-level to save gas for the SAT. Flying a stereo and canceling early enoug...

6.5 Mutual Support

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.5    Mutual Support. The reason fighters fly in formation is to provide one another with mutual support. Mutual support in its basic form is visual lookout, communication, and firepower. Everything we do in IFF is a building block to get to this point. You ...

6.6 Theater Air Control System.

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.6    Theater Air Control System. The TACS provides the commander the capability to plan and conduct joint air operations. The purpose of this document is to provide an introduction to TACS for the pilot and not to build a complete command and control (C2) s...

6.7 Medium-Altitude Tactics.

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.7    Medium-Altitude Tactics. There are several reasons why one would choose medium altitude tactics. Oftentimes, flight leads are forced into medium-altitude tactics due to constraints from higher headquarters. In these cases, the threat is generally low, ...

6.8 Low Altitude.

AETCTTP 11-1 Employment Fundamental T-3... Chapter 6 - SURFACE ATTACK TACTICS (SAT)

6.8    Low Altitude. There are two main reasons why one would be forced into low-altitude tactics. It is usually derived from threats in the AO or from weather. These tactics demand a much higher level of SA and attention to detail than medium-altitude tactic...

Clearance Procedures

Nellis AFB Smart Reference

9 July, 2024 Unless otherwise coordinated with, or instructed by ATC, all departing aircraft with exception to A-10 VFR departures require a local ATC clearance from Nellis Clearance Delivery prior to taxi. At time of publication, clearance delivery is consol...

Taxi Procedures

Nellis AFB Smart Reference

10 July, 2024 All aircrews are to obtain ATIS information prior to taxi. Any aircraft movement in the movement area (better thought of as the "jurisdiction" of Nellis Ground and/or Tower) must be done with a clearance. Taxi call: When calling for taxi, incl...

Departure Procedures

Nellis AFB Smart Reference

10 July, 2024 Aircraft that are holding short of an active runway or at an EOR pad must contact tower prior to further movement unless instructed otherwise by Nellis Ground.  IMPORTANT!Do not cross the hold short line of any runway unless clearance has been ...

455th vAEW deploys to Finland

Operation Arctic Guardian

The 455th vAEW has deployed to Rovaniemi Air Base, Finland, to assist in Operation Arctic Guardian and test its combat readiness in the arctic conditions. The wing commander noted: Deploying to Rovaniemi Air Base presents unique challenges and opportunities...


H-60 Initial and Requalification Syllabus Mission Tasks