IFF academic inventory
ST-1 Familiarization and Orientation
1.5 hrs 1. Training Folder Procedures2. Briefing / Debriefing3. Lineup card4. Local flight clear...
ST-2 Local Area Procedures
1.5 Hrs IFF Syllabus introduction Local area procedures
ST-3 Aircraft Familiarization / Ground Operations
1. FCP / RCP differences2. Before exterior inspection3. Exterior inspection4. Interior inspection...
ST-4 Cockpit / Crew Resource Management
1.0 Hrs 1. Crew / wingman coordination examples2. Crew / wingman coordination standards3. Crew /...
ST-5 OBFM Phase Briefing (Locally developed)
1. OBFM Procedures2. Review Training rules in AFI 11-2143. Local procedures, 3-3.AT38C
ST-6 DBFM Phase Briefing (Locally developed)
1. DBFM Procedures2. Review Training rules in AFI 11-2143. Local procedures, 3-3.AT38C
ST-7 HABFM Phase Briefing (Locally developed)
1. HABFM Procedures2. Review Training rules in AFI 11-2143. Local procedures, 3-3.AT38C
ST-8 Air Combat Maneuvering (Locally developed)
1. ACM Procedures2. Review Training rules in AFI 11-2143. Local procedures, 3-3.AT38C
ST-9 Surface Attack Phase Briefing (Locally developed)
1. Review applicable sections of 3-3.AT38C, AFI 11-2T / AT-38, Vol. 3.2. Low-altitude and local p...
ST-10 Surface Attack Tactics / Air Interdiction / Close Air Support (Locally developed)
1. Review applicable sections of JP 3-.09.3.2. Local procedures, squadron standards, 3-3.AT38C.
ST-12 Aircraft Weapons (Locally developed)
1. This special mission should be a visit to a munitions squadron / load barn for students to see...
AH-1 T-38 Advanced Handling Characteristics
1. G-awareness2. Engine envelope3. Acceleration maneuver4. Turning performance5. Loaded versus un...
AH-2 Energy Maneuverability
1. Total energy2. Specific energy3. Specific excess power4. Aircraft maneuverability5. HM / FM di...
AA-1 A/A Master Mode
1. A/A controls2. A/A displays
AA-2 Systems and Exercises
1. Range / mil relationships2. Aspect angle / heading crossing angle3. Weapons employment zone4. ...
AA-3 BFM Terms and Training Rules
2.0 hrs1. BFM fundamentals / principles2. Plane of the defender3. Aircraft separation / overshoot...
AA-4* Offensive Maneuvering
2.0 Hrs1. Pre-engagement exercises2. Pre-engagement preparation3. Out-of-plane maneuvers4. Quarte...
AA-5 Defensive Maneuvering
2.0 Hrs1. DBFM objectives2. DBFM game plan3. Pre-engagement preparation4. Defensive turns5. Exten...
AA-6 Advanced Maneuvering
2.0 Hrs1. Canned BFM versus “Dogfight”2. Flight spectrum / air-to-air game plans3. Game plan tool...
AA-7 Review
0.5 HrsReview previously covered material.
AA-8(E) Examination and Critique
Exam + Critique
AA-9 High-Aspect BFM Maneuvering
2.0 Hrs 1. High-aspect defined2. High-aspect BFM objectives / considerations3. Lead turn concept...
AA-10 Air Combat Maneuvering
2.0 Hrs1. Air Combat Maneuvering Fundamentals2. Tactical Priorities3. Engaged / Support Contract,...
SA-1 A/G Master Mode
CBT - 1.0 hrs1. A/G controls and displays2. A/G master mode3. A/G scoring
SA-2 Surface Attack Basics
2.0 Hrs1. Preflight2. Weapons release controls3. Basic bombing theory
SA-3 CCIP Employment
2.0 Hrs1. CCIP mechanization2. CCIP employment (bombs and strafe)3. Errors (aircraft, pilot, envi...
SA-4 Wind Effects
1.5 Hrs1. Wind effects on sight picture2. Patterns adjustments for winds
SA-5 Patterns, Procedure and Parameters
2.0 Hrs1. Range Classes2. Range entry / spacer pass / designation pass3. Conventional range proce...
SA-6 Popup and Level Deliveries
1.5 Hrs1. Tactical considerations2. Level patterns3. Pop-up patterns4. Local Procedures
SA-7 Review
1.0 Hrs Review previously covered material.
SA-8(E) Examination and Critique
SA-9 TACS / AAGS / JFIRE Procedures
2.0 Hrs1.Review elements and functions of the TAGS andrelationship to the Army air-ground system....
SA-10 ACO / ATO /Dynamic Targeting Procedures
1.0 Hrs 1.Introduce applicable sections of JP 3-30.