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469th vTS Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals

This book covers the 455th vAEW / 469th vTS T-38 Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (IFF) courses.

IFF Overview and Hyperlinks

Track A F-15C Track B F-15E, F-16 Track C A-10 Track D WSO F-15E, ...

1.0 Course Description

This syllabus outlines the training required to achieve the proficiency specified in the course t...

2.0 Formation / Advanced Handling Characteristics Module

Intent — The Formation module is intended to teach the student typical formations and squadron st...

3.0 Basic Fighter Maneuvers (OB/DB/HB)

Intent — The intent of the BFM phase is to teach the student the basic principles of BFM while fl...

4.0 Surface Attack

Intent — The emphasis of the surface attack phase is to gain student proficiency in range procedu...

5.0 Low Altitude Operations

Intent — The intent of the low altitude phase of training is to build on the SUPT student’s basic...

6.0 WSO Training

Intent — The objective of the WSO IFF course is to graduate a WSO candidate with a strong underst...

7.0 Track-E (455 Consolidated Course)

Intent — The consolidated course is intended to teach a student the fundamentals of element emplo...

8.0 Course Training Standards

Purpose/Description — The standards for flight tasks are derived from information found in curren...