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Aircraft: 2 Time: 0.9
Crew: IP/X, P/IP
Prerequisites: ST-11, SS-1, DB-4

Mission Objectives:

  1. Introduce basic range procedures and patterns.
  2. Introduce basic weapons delivery events/parameters, recoveries and error analysis.
  3. Practice mission tasks listed below.

Specific Mission Tasks:

1. Takeoff
2. Departure
3. Armament switchology/FENCE check
4. *Basic range procedures and patterns
5. *Basic weapons delivery events/parameters
      a. 10-degree LAHD
      b. 20-degree LALD
      c. 30-degree DB
6. *Safe escape maneuver
7. *Error analysis
8. Instrument approach and landing

Special Instructions:

  1. See paragraph 5-2 for instrument approach requirements.