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5.12 Level Pattern Procedures:

5.12    Level Pattern Procedures:

5.12.1    Level Pattern.

The level pattern is similar in shape to the conventional pattern with the exception of a wider base distance; the flight lead will brief the specific ground track plan. Basic priorities and tasks remain the same as the conventional pattern; however, base distance does not impact weapons delivery like it does for diving events.

5.12.2    Base.

The base distance is not as critical in the level pattern, but a tight base will shorten the time on final. Call “BASE” and execute a MIL power descending turn. The amount of descent should be commensurate with the visibility. Strive to get at least half way down to 500 feet AGL during the turn. Remain higher if visibility requires, until the target references can be seen.

5.12.3    Final.

Lead the turn to final so as to roll out on the attack axis. Call “IN DRY,” while starting the turn. Continue the MIL power descending turn to roll out no lower than 500 feet AGL (FPM centered on the CCRP steering line if using CCRP). Get down to 500 feet AGL expeditiously, adjusting power to maintain 420 knots and trim the jet. If CCRP was used initially, select CCIP using the hands on throttle and stick (HOTAS). Make small adjustments in heading and crab angle to maintain the ground track with the BFL through the target. Anticipate the fast pipper track and pickle at the base of the target. Select MIL power at G onset and execute the briefed SEM.